Our Fun Dog Show extravaganza proved an outstanding success on June 15 . . . with a spirited mix of locals with their treasured pets, a band off dedicated volunteers plus a selection of dignitaries and officials all braving the elements to enjoy the occasion.

A couple of torrential downpours could not dampen the enthusiasm of close on 200 people who among them put forward 106 entrants within our 10 competition classes.
The gala occasion also involved an array of stall holders offering hot dogs, ice cream, pots of honey and preserve plus plenty of canine accessories and food.
The show, staged at the Friends of Foots Cray Meadows’ Information Centre located off Rectory Lane in Sidcup, was opened by Old Bexley Conservative parliamentary candidate Louie French, who went on to be re-elected as our local MP.
The action, compered through a rather crackling public address system by event organiser Steve Brown, centred on our show arena, where judge Katy Renny – a dog training instructor and behavioural coach – gave careful consideration and professional opinions individually about all the entrants.
There were also additional events that proved hugely popular, including Hay Bale Jumping, a Sausage Hunt plus Guess the Sweets in the Jar.

The day took some five months in the planning for Steve and his team, and though the FFCM did not make a profit, huge benefits came in our overall mission to raise awareness of all that there is to appreciate within the 240 acres that comprises Foots Cray Meadows.
Our new resident photographer Grace Whiley snapped away and produced some 180 images to allow us to look back on a memorable occasion, which also led to the FFCM making a donation to Foal Farm Animal Rescue Centre based in Biggin Hill, Kent.
The ten classes in the Fun Dog Show were:
Cutest Puppy (from 12 weeks to a year old)
Prettiest Young Lady (one to six years old)
Most Handsome Dog (boys one to six years old)
Waggiest Tail, Best Junior Handler (under-16s who train their dog)
Prettiest Senior Lady (seven years old and upwards)
Most Handsome Dog (boys seven years old and onwards)
Best Trick from a dog, Fancy Dress (for dogs as well as owners)
The Odd Couple (are you and your dog a peculiar pairing?).

Registration for all classes started from 11am with each category costing £2 to enter or £1 for FFCM members. The event proved so successful that Steve Brown is threatening to stage it again next year.
Watch this space.
Steve said: “I would like to record my thanks to all the volunteers, some 14 of them, particularly Jacky Turner, Ray Hudson and Margaret Dodd with a special thanks to Sid Wilkinson, who worked tirelessly to set up the arena, car park and the two games.”
Rosettes and prizes handed out were donated by Albany Pet Shop.
View the full list of winners: