Following on from our AGM and a big thank you to all who turned up and for an enjoyable evening The Friends now have some project plans designed to enhance the visitor experience to Meadows.
We shall keep you informed with these messages to our members and webpage articles leading to a full newsletter later.
We will start with the agreement to look into implementing a series of Foots Cray Meadows QR Information Posts (QRIPs), which will when the project is live display QR codes to link to information pages on this website. (, each post relating to particular sites of interest across the 240 acre site of the Foots Cray Meadows.
Our lead on this project is its proposer committee member Jacky Turner who is forming a working group to develop this exciting project. Attached for your information are the slides proposing this to the AGM. Jacky is seeking people to either be part of the working group or who may suggest and have experience and knowledge to assist with the information content of the posts. We want to hear from you and would really value your relevant experience and local knowledge. Jacky can be contacted by our group e mail
or through the contact page on our website.
Michael Heath Chair FFCM 2nd October 2022
The Foots Cray Meadows Information Centre